How to Find an AA Meeting in Cleveland and Northeast Ohio.
Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings - Hill Country Intergroup.Home · AA Discussion Meeting Topics (282) · AA Meetings, Meeting Formats. Whether the interest is in alcohol or just meetings in general, going to an AA.
AA Na Meeting Topics - Topics For Discussion Meetings. Service Material from the General Service Office. GENERAL IDEAS. 1. The Twelve Steps. Some groups discuss one. May 31, 2009. Jail meetings are not regular A.A. meetings -- there is no A.A. group there.. Bring comments and questions back here as you go along and we.
Happy Campers Group – Sat 8 PM | AA – Alcoholics Anonymous.
Monday AA Meetings.
Grapevine - Alcoholics Anonymous Area 11.Discussion Meeting – The chairperson or program leader presents a topic to. and child team (Al-Anon, Alateen and AA) often presents insights into the disease.
discussion topics for aa meetings
discussion topics for aa meetings
The A.A. Group Handbook for Groups That Meet in Correctional.Suggested Topics For Discussion Meetings. Service Material from the General Service Office. GENERAL IDEAS. 1. The Twelve Steps. Some groups discuss one. May 31, 2009. Jail meetings are not regular A.A. meetings -- there is no A.A. group there.. Bring comments and questions back here as you go along and we. Are you looking for an AA meeting in Cleveland and northeast Ohio? Discussion groups, due to the personal nature of the topics raised, are generally limited. Three common formats are step meetings discussing the AA 12 steps, speaker meetings where one member tells his story, and topic meetings where the leader. Widely known as a "meeting in print," the AA Grapevine communicates the ... Discussion topics culled from each issue form the basis for many discussion.
Meeting Topics.